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Sports Marketing & Sponsorship

The study extends the research on visual imagery in advertising to sports marketing. The results suggest that excessive on-shirt advertising is wasteful for sponsorships and harmful for team image. However, a strategy of moderate advertising increases the brand recall rate and does not harm the team's image. From a managerial perspective, this study highlights the risks of excessive use of sponsor logos and provides a framework for determining the optimal level of on-shirt advertising for professional teams.


The Air Density Equation and the Transfer of the Mass Unit


A new formulation of the equation for calculation of air density has been developed. The Cohen and Taylor value of the gas constant, currently accepted values of the atomic weights, and recent determinations of abundances of the various constituents of air have been used. The abundance of carbon dioxide has been treated as a variable and a factor enabling convenient adjustment of the apparent molecular weight of air for deviation of carbon dioxide abundance from a background value has been derived. A new table of the compressibility factor for the range of pressure and temperature of interest in standards laboratories has been calculated using recently determined values of virial coefficients. The enhancement factor, which has usually been ignored, has been explicitly included. A simple equation for the calculation of enhancement factor has been fitted to values in the range of pressure and temperature of interest. A simple equation for the calculation of saturation water vapor pressure has been fitted. Uncertainties, random and systematic, in the parameters and in the measurement of environmental variables and consequent uncertainties in calculated air density have been estimated.


The Use Of LLCs In Fiscal Sponsorship a New Model

As mentioned above, and as shown in Exhibits 1 and 2 on pages 8 and 9, respectively (except for Model B), the most common forms offiscal sponsorship fall into the following categories: Model A. The project becomes an internal program of the sponsoring charity.Project staff become employees or volunteers of the sponsor. Legally, the project is no different from any other activity that the sponsor carries on directly. The chief benefit of Model A is that the charity will usually handle the project's backoffice operations, leaving the project staff free to pursue program activities. Also, there is no need to maintain a separate legal entity for the project.


Sponsorship Development Plan

This research was conducted as a comission for Porvoon Salibandyseura’s Women’s Team (PSS.) The aim was to find ways to improve their sponsorship situation, as due to the overall financial difficulties it is challenging to fund the operation. The research method used was a qualitative research and the objective was to gain a detailed perspective of organizations sponsorship co-operation. The material was gathered by interviewing six different companies which were able to provide us with detailed information on their sponsorship operations.

Sponsorship is a broad concept that is part of the marketing communications plan. In this research, marketing communication is presented briefly and sponsorship as its own marketing promotional tool.


Let’s Take Action on Alcohol Sponsorship

Let’s Take Action on Alcohol Sponsorship provides a step-by step process for the development of policies that set guidelines for the sponsorship of workplace, school, or community events by the alcohol industry. The guide offers a range of practical tips and suggestions, highlighting many of the challenges and issues that organizations encounter in their efforts to develop and implement alcohol sponsorship policies. Whether you are revising an existing policy or developing one for the first time, this Let’s Take Action guide will be a helpful resource. We recognize that the development of alcohol policies surrounding sponsorship involves a broad range of stakeholder groups. The information provided in Let’s Take Action will be particularly useful to the following individuals.


The Effectiveness Of Sports Sponsorships: A Study Of The New Orleans Zephyrs


Despite the pervasiveness of sports in American society and the ever-increasing role of sponsorship in the marketing mix, sponsorship marketing as a discipline currently lacks the rigorous academic study and theoretical foundations that exist in other marketing disciplines.

The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not sponsorship of New Orleans Zephyrs baseball is an effective way of increasing awareness of a product or brand. Using intermediate measures of recognition testing, fans at three New Orleans Zephyrs games were surveyed to test sponsor recognition. The study examined various elements of sponsorship marketing including the effects that gender, age, income, education and attendance frequency had on sponsorship recognition. Additionally, fans were asked if they consciously looked for sponsor messages at games and where they most noticed the messages. Lastly, respondents were asked if they would use a Zephyrs sponsor’s product over a non-sponsor’s product given the same price and quality.

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