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New Business Models for the Value Analysis of Sport Organisations

The value creation analysis provides a deeper understanding of the value creation of a business and gives an opportunity to derive promising strategies to generate income. But the success of the strategies depends on the usage of the appropriate business model for the value creation analysis. Value chain, value shop, and value network are introduced as business models for the value creation analysis of sport organisations at the example of a football match, a training camp, and a football league. Strategy options are discussed and implications for further research are given.


Best Practices for Negotiating Naming Rights and Sponsorship Deals

Naming rights and sponsorship deals are, of course nothing new, but never before have we seen such a proliferation in the number and permutations of such deals as there have been in recent years. For the most part, such arrangements have been success stories, mutually beneficial for teams and corporate sponsors; however, some vital lessons have emerged for negotiating and. structuring such arrangements.


Sports Celebrity Influence on the Behavioral Intentions of Generation Y

Teenagers currently spend an estimated $153 billion a year on everything from computers to cars to clothes (Brand, 2000). Trend conscious teens are very active in utilizing the media and advertising in seeking out the latest products, services, and fashions (Zollo, 1995). A greater understanding of teens’ role model influences can help organizations and their advertising agencies more effectively target and communicate to this growing market. In this study, we examine the effect of athlete role models on teenagers’ purchase intentions and behaviors. Results from a survey of 218 adolescents are discussed with implications and future research directions for advertising and sports marketing researchers.


Masters Thesis: Motor Sport And The Image Of A Car Brand.

Executive Summary

This thesis sets out to investigate the effect of participation in motor sports on the image of a company. The focus in this investigation lies on the effect for companies that participate in Formula 1. The research looks at three different items that can influence the image: brand fit, brand involvement and popularity of the sport. Another factor investigates the moderating effect that the influence of the image of the sport has on the three items under investigation. These issues where investigated using an online questionnaire. The results show that a correct brand fit and a high brand involvement are the issues that will ensure a positive change on the image of a company. In addition, companies need to choose a sport with a positive image in order to create an image transfer regime that is positive for both parties.


Race to the Future: The Statewide Impact of Motorsports in Indiana

Executive Summary

Indiana and the Central Indiana region in particular, are known as the ‘Racing Capital of the World.’ Traditionally, this designation exists due the presence of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the annual running of the Indianapolis 500.

In preparing this report for the Motorsports and Vehicle Production Network project, we learned that motorsports touches nearly every corner of Indiana and is indirectly responsible for over 421,000 jobs while the cluster directly employs over 23,000 individuals in the state and pays an average wage of nearly $63,000, exceeding the average state wage by over $13,000.One challenge that project staff faced is that there was no pre-existing definition of a ‘motorsports cluster.’ To address this, a compilation of company information was compiled from databases supplied by Conexus and the Indiana Motorsports Association. 172 unique 6-digit NAICs codes were obtained and the most frequent NAICS codes were processed through an input-output table for Indiana. From this we were able to identify significant value and supply...


Benchmarking in Business through Talents: Beyond the Success in Motorsports


In today‟s business environment, talent has become the potentially powerful source of competitive advantage. It is the fundamental building block to creating an organization which is capable of learning, innovating and changing, as well as executing new processes. It has been said that, talent management include the additional management processes and opportunities put in place for people in the organization that are considered to be talented. This paper intends to present a guide for racers to drive their companies by extending their success on the race tracks into business. This piece of work is based on the information gathered through in-depth interviews with three business owners that are also active racers. In the course of the interview, feedbacks regarding benchmarking through talent in motorsports and businesses were sought. The importance of talent management as seen through the prism of how top performers in motorsports have succeeded in driving their business while still producing impressive results on the race tracks was established in this study


Fastener Design Manual


This manual was written for design engineers to enable them to. choose appropriate fasteners for their designs.Subject matter includes fastener material selection, platings, lubricants,corrosion,locking methods,washers,inserts,thread types and classes,fatigue loading,and fastener torque.A section on design criteria covers the derivation of torque formulas,loads on a fastener group,combining simultaneous shear and tension loads,pullout load for tapped holes,grip length,head styles,and fastener strengths.The second half of this manual presents general guidelines and selection criteria for rivets and lock bolts.

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