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Model Joint Venture Agreement


Joint ventures (“JV”) may take a number of forms, but the basis on which they are formed is always a commercial collaboration in which two or more unrelated parties pool, exchange, or integrate some of their resources with a view to mutual gain, while at the same time remaining independent. This checklist provides a basis on which to consider the issues surrounding the formation of the JV and the ongoing legal rights and obligations between the parties.

Much of this checklist relates to a limited liability company form of JV but many of the issues raised will be equally relevant to the corporate form. In addition, there are tax and regulatory issues that will impact the structure and operation of the JV and they are not addressed in any great detail here.

As this is a generic checklist it...


Estimation of In-Cylinder Pressure Using Spark Plug Discharge Current Measurements


In cylinder pressure of spark ignition engines is correlated with several variables of the compression, injection, and ignition processes. Therefore, by monitoring the pressure of each cylinder we can improve the electronic engine supervision and control in terms of fast response and accuracy, thus enabling online diagnosis and overall efficiency improvement. However, the pressure measurement methods proposed until now have not been generally accepted at the production level due to their cost and/or complexity


Leveraging Sponsorships on the Internet: Activation, Congruence, and Articulation


This paper considers how the Internet can be used to leverage commercial sponsorships to enhance audience attitudes toward the sponsor. Definitions are offered that distinguish the terms leverage and activation with respect to sponsorship linked marketing; leveraging encompasses all marketing communications collateral to the sponsorship investment, whereas activation relates to those communications that encourage interaction with the sponsor.


Dynamic Analysis Of Loads And Stresses In Connecting Rods


Automobile internal combustion engine connecting rod is a high volume production component subjected to complex loading. Proper optimization of this component, which is critical to the engine fuel efficiency and more vigorously pursued by the automotive industry in recent years, necessitates a detailed understanding of the applied loads and resulting stresses under in-service conditions. In this study, detailed load analysis under service loading conditions was performed for a typical connecting rod, followed by quasi-dynamic finite element analysis (FEA) to capture stress variations over a cycle of operation.


The Rising Cost of Consumer Attention: Why You Should Care, and What You Can Do about It


Attention is a necessary ingredient for effective advertising. The market for consumer attention (or “eyeballs”) has become so competitive that attention can be regarded as a currency. The rising cost of this ingredient in the marketplace is causing marketers to waste money on costly attention sources or reduce their investment in promoting their brands. Instead, they should be thinking about how to “buy” cheaper attention and how to use it more effectively.


Evaluating Verification and Validation Methods in Knowledge Engineering


Verification and validation (V&V) techniques have always been an essential part of the knowledge engineering process, because they offer the only way to judge the success (or otherwise) of a knowledge base development project. This remains true in the context of knowledge management: V&V techniques provide ways to measure the quality of knowledge in a knowledge base, and to indicate where work needs to be done to rectify anomalous knowledge. This paper provides a critical assessment of the state of the practice in knowledge base V&V, including a survey of available evidence as to the effectiveness of various V&V techniques in real-world knowledge base development projects. For the knowledge management practitioner, this paper offers guidance and recommendations for the use of V&V techniques; for researchers in knowledge management, the paper offers pointers to areas where further wor


Media Effect In Commercial Sponsorship


Various elements of brand identity contribute to brand image development; however, the role of marketing communications is particularly important in achieving brand image effects. In the case of advertising, two separate elements of communications, a message and a medium, combine to deliver particular brand image values. In the case of sponsorship both the message and media elements are not separate, but are inextricably linked and imagery is delivered by association with particular activities and events. Presents the result of focus group research which sought to examine the images transferred by different categories of sponsorship, i.e. sports and arts. The results show that goodwill, which is generated amongst consumers as a result of corporate sponsorship involvement, varies by sponsorship category. The results have important implications for sponsorship managers in terms of the choice of sponsorship category and the manner in which sponsorship investments are leveraged.


Women in TV Broadcast News: Reporters and Sources in Hard News Stories


This study, conducted during a two-week period leading up to the 2012 Presidential Election, analyzed three prime time news broadcasts to determine whether male journalists reported more hard news stories than female journalists throughout a segment of increased political activity and whether male and female sources were used equally in said stories. The results showed that male reporters were assigned more hard news than female reporters, and males were a little more likely to assigned to hard news than soft news. Male sources were used more as experts in hard news by both male and female reporters. Actually female reporters relied on males as expert sources more than male reporters. The implications of the results of this study include female under representation as reporters and sources, probably continuing a perception of women as being in a lower social status than men.


The Art of Contract Negotiation


Twenty years ago, I was a young student aspiring to a career in sports law. Following law school, I have had the good fortune to achieve my personal ambition and become a sports attorney while representing some of the best athletes in the country. In the process, I have visited many of the top universities and met many athletes throughout the country. For me, it all began when I attended law school at George Washington University and made the decision to combine my love for sports with my desire for law. Through some networking, I met two of the giants in the business, Bob Woolf and the late Larry Fleisher. They gave me two pieces of advice: First, take a lot of tax courses in law school, which was some of the worst advice I got in my life'''


The Value of Winning in Motorsports: Sponsorship-Linked Marketing

Corporate sponsorship of events, especially sports, has become a commonplace marketing communications tool. Still at question in sponsorship-linked marketing programs is the economic value of the firm. Also largely unexamined in marketing research on sponsorship is the impact of participation outcomes. For example, is it more valuable to the firm to sponsor a winner, or is it simply participation and. thus, exposure that brings value to the firm? This study presents an anaiysis of the share-price impact of sponsoring the drivers in the Indianapolis 500 mile race to assess the value of motorsports victories and participation within a firm's sponsorship-linked marketing strategy. This approach allows the use of historical data in the analysis of the value of sponsorship. While the findings of the study suggest that autoracing sponsorships involving products that are not closely linked to the automotive industry...


Prosecutor Of The Union Ministry Of Public Federal District And Territories


Queiroz Filho, former governor the Federal District, CPF 196676555-04, born in 11/09/1958, son of Alaíde Carvalho de Almeida Queirozand Agnelo Santos Queiroz, resident and domiciled in the SMDB, set 4, Lot 11, home D, South Lake, Brasília / DF.


Industry Views on Beverage Alcohol Advertising and Marketing, with Special Reference to Young People


1. Both leading beverage alcohol producers and WHO recognize that alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are significant public health problems. Although differences certainly exist in views about the relative importance of the health benefits of moderate drinking or the definitions of what might be called harmful drinking, there is agreement that irresponsible and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to adverse health and social consequences, both in the short and long term. A key area of common concern relates to alcohol consumption by young people, which has been perceived in developed and developing countries as an important problem.

2. There are two distinct aspects of this problem. The first relates to the consumption of beverage alcohol by those under the minimum legal drinking age, however that is defined in any particular country. The other is a pattern of drinking by


Brand Personality Differentiation in Formula One Motor Racing: An Australian View


In a previous paper (Donahay & Rosenberger 2007), we investigated the effectiveness of image transfer from a Formula One (F1) team to the principal sponsor by measuring the brand-personality (BP) congruency between the team and principal sponsor when affected by the functional congruity of the sponsor brand and F1 team and the team’s level of winning performance. In this paper, we revisit the data and specifically assess Aaker’s (1997) BP construct as a tool for detecting differences in the BP profiles of four F1 team brands (Ferrari, Williams, B.A.R., Jaguar) as perceived by Australian F1 fans.

By associating with the characteristics of a sporting team, event or well-known athlete, sports sponsorship seeks to increase brand loyalty, create awareness, change or reinforce their image, drive retail or dealer traffic and stimulate sales, trial and usage


The Balance Theory Domino: How Sponsorships May Elicit Negative Consumer Attitudes


Previous research has shown that fan identification with an entity contributes to a positive attitude toward companies that associate with that entity. In this study, we examine if sponsorship of an entity they dislike may actually alienate consumers and make them look at the sponsoring company in a less favorable manner. We surveyed NASCAR fans and found that, while there is a strong positive connection between attitude toward their favorite driver and attitude toward that driver’s sponsor, the reverse was true as well. That is, respondents’ attitudes for brands that sponsor their least favorite driver appear to be negatively impacted.


Companies continue to increase their expenditures on sponsorships with hopes that positive emotions toward a property (e.g., sporting event, sport team, arts organization) will transfer to the sponsoring brands, therefore enhancing brand image and resulting in

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