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Motorsports Exemption Vehicle Field Test | Report To The Legislature


Vehicle Code Section 35401.5(g)(2)(A), effective January 1, 2013, mandates the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to test motorsports trucks with 56-foot semitrailers on various segments of the National Network and routes leading to the motorsports race tracks, and to report findings and recommendations to the Legislature by January 1, 2014. Five locations were selected for field investigations – four race tracks and one truck stop. The number of locations and events selected for testing was limited to five for the following reasons: (1) time constraints due to the report due date, which allowed Caltrans to collect the field data from February to August only; and (2) scheduling constraints due to the racing events being held at the selected race tracks only once per year.


Talent Agents, Personal Managers, And Their Conflicts In The New Hollywood


Hollywood is an impersonal, uncaring, and unforgiving place, and artists need the sophisticated assistance of third parties to help them locate employment opportunities and to assist them in making career decisions. This is where talent agents and personal managers step in. Agents and managers represent artists, and their collective role in the entertainment industry is straightforward. According to agent Joel Dean, they “try to put [artists and producers] together to make a match . . . . It couldn’t be simpler.


Case Comp Certain Formula One Engine Manufactures

Dear Sir / Madam,

i. l refer to your complaint of 10 September 2009 lodged with the Commission against Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW), Fiat S.p.a. (Fiat), Ford Motor Company (Ford), Honda Motor Co. Ltd. (Honda), Renault, Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota), Doma Sports S.L. (Doma), and Fédération lntemationaie de Motocyclisme (FlM) regarding alleged violations of Article 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (T1'-"EU)1 in connection with the use of BRV Pty Ltd's (BRV) rotary valves in the Formula One and MotoGP championships. I also refer to your letters of 21 April, 26 May and 23 July 2010 by which you provided additional information/explanations on the above matter.

With effect from 1 December 2009, Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty have become Articles 101 and 102, respectively, of the TFEU; the two sets of provisions are in substance identical. For the purposes of this letter references to...


Consumer Behaviour And Target Audience Decisions

Consumer behaviour can be defined as the process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires. The conceptual model in Figure 3–1 will be used as a framework for analyzing the consumer decision-making process. We will discuss what occurs at the various stages of this model and how advertising and promotion can be used to influence decision making. The five-stage decision process model of Figure 3–1 views the consumer as a problem solver and information processor who engages in mental processes to evaluate alternative brands and determine the degree to which they might satisfy needs or purchase motives. This model is a form of cognitive learning. Consumer learning has been defined as “the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge


Time on Camera: An Alternative Explanation of NASCAR Tournaments


NASCAR’s reward structure for rank order tournaments has been considered the exception to the rule in tournament theory due to the linear payout structure. We suggest that the rewards for drivers are nonlinear when you take into consideration the value of sponsorship time on camera and sponsor mentions during a race on TV. Given the importance of corporate sponsorship in NASCAR, we suggest that performance in a race provides additional benefits that are not captured in traditional tournament payments.


Often sporting contests are used as a labor market laboratory to empirically test the implications of labor economics such as tournament theory (Kahn 2000). In sports, nonlinear payment structures are found in rank order tournaments such as golf (Ehrenberg and Bognanno 1990, and Melton and Zorn 2000) and marathon running (Frick 2003). Auto racing provides an exception to the...


Relative Performance Evaluation in Executive Compensation Contracts


Using data that includes specific contractual details of Relative Performance Evaluation (RPE) contracts granted to executives for 1,833 firms for the period 1998 to 2012, we develop new methods to characterize RPE awards and measure their value and incentive properties. The frequency in the use of these awards has grown over time with 37% of the firms in our sample granting an RPE award in 2012. When RPE awards are used they are typically granted to the five named executive officers and they represent about 32% of total recipient compensation. Stock is most frequently the instrument conveyed, followed by cash, and options are almost never granted.


How The Language Of Television News Broadcasting Is Shaped By Audience Design


The focus of my dissertation is to find out to what extent television news programmes differ in relation to audience design, that is, how they use different linguistic styles to appeal to their respective audiences. What Fairclough (1991) terms as ‘niche audiences’. Language is tailored with a particular audience in mind, as Bell (1991) pointed out that the audience is usually the most important factor in choice of language style; “The essence of style is that … speakers are often primarily responding to their audience in the language they produce … the audience are arguably the most important and certainly the most researched component of mass communication … communicators do work with an idea of the audience they are speaking to and what they want” (Bell, 1991).


Respect for Picket Lines


A great deal has been written about the notorious reluctance of workers to cross picket lines' and the fact that such a refusal is traditional in the American labor movement.3 There is, however, a relatively small number of judicial and administrative decisions delineating the rights of employees upon refusing to cross a picket line.


Discrete Choice


Discrete choice modeling is a popular technique in marketing research, transportation, and other areas. It is used to help researchers understand people’s stated choice of alternative products and services. We discuss designing a choice experiment, preparing the questionnaire, inputting and processing the data, performing the analysis, and interpreting the results. Most of the discussion is on designing the choice experiment.


Specific Incident Exemption of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act: DeceptivelyStraight Forward

I. Introduction

Employee theft has reached epidemic proportions in the United States with estimated losses ranging from $9.2 billion to $50 billion per year. A recent survey showed that at least one-third of retail manufacturing and service organization employees have stolen company property. Others have estimated that "seventy percent of all workers steal something during the course of their employment. In 1982, approximately 335,000 American workers were arrested for theft from their employers even though "discipline, not arrest, is the normal consequence" of employee theft.


Limits on Individual Accountability for Corporate Crimes


Recently, a trend toward expanding personal accountability for acting or failing to act while serving in a position of authority has emerged.' In the past few years, public debate has focused on serious questions of personal accountability in such matters as Watergate,2 the My Lai Massacre and covert CIA actions abroad. In light of this trend, commentators have called for increased criminal accountability of individuals for corporate wrongdoing.


Common Carriers and Picket Lines

Labor, in the continuing struggle for the advancement of its cause, has discovered that a picket line is a valuable coercive weapon when placed around the plant of an employer engaged in a labor dispute with his employees. In the beginning many employers succeeded in enjoining peaceful picketing.Today, peaceful picketing is generally held to be lawful' and employees of neutral employers may refuse to cross a legally established picket line.


Fatigue Failure Resulting from Variable Loading

Introduction to Fatigue in Metals

In most testing of those properties of materials that relate to the stress-strain diagram, the load is applied gradually, to give sufficient time for the strain to fully develop. Furthermore, the specimen is tested to destruction, and so the stresses are applied only once.Testing of this kind is applicable, to what are known as static conditions; such conditions closely approximate the actual conditions to which many structural and machine members are subjected.



3.1 Permutations

Many problems in probability theory require that we count the number of ways that a particular event can occur. For this, we study the topics of permutations and combinations. We consider permutations in this section and combinations in the next section. Before discussing permutations, it is useful to introduce a general counting technique that will enable us to solve a variety of counting problems, including the problem of counting the number of possible permutations of n objects.


Model Joint Venture Agreement


Joint ventures (“JV”) may take a number of forms, but the basis on which they are formed is always a commercial collaboration in which two or more unrelated parties pool, exchange, or integrate some of their resources with a view to mutual gain, while at the same time remaining independent. This checklist provides a basis on which to consider the issues surrounding the formation of the JV and the ongoing legal rights and obligations between the parties.

Much of this checklist relates to a limited liability company form of JV but many of the issues raised will be equally relevant to the corporate form. In addition, there are tax and regulatory issues that will impact the structure and operation of the JV and they are not addressed in any great detail here.

As this is a generic checklist it...

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