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Consumer Decision-Making Models Within The Discipline Of Consumer Science: A Critical Approach


Consumer behaviour and consumer decision-making have become prominent research topics in the various fields of consumer science in recent years. Consumer science includes the former discipline of home economics and refers to a discipline that evolves around consumer behaviour and decision making concerning foods and nutrition, clothing and textiles, housing and interior merchandise in everyday living in order to meet basic and higher order needs for physical, psychological, sociopsychological and financial satisfaction in a complex micro and macro environment. Of specific importance is that buying and consumer decision making are complicated as a result of external influences that have to be handled within an internal frame of reference that has come about through consumer socialization (that may be/have been restricted). Consumer behaviour within the discipline of consumer science focuses on consumption behaviour where the humane aspect of decision making and purchasing is of major importance as opposed to buyer behaviour the domain of the...


What Drives College-Age Generation Y Consumers?


Generation Y (individuals ages 14–31 in 2008) are in the marketplace with the numbers and the purchasing power to have an unprecedented impact on the economy. Despite the potential of this group as a whole, especially the middle-aged members of this generation (ages 18–22) who are in the highly coveted college student market, much is unknown about the motivations behind these individuals' consumption behavior and preferences. This study attempts to address this gap in the literature by exploring the antecedents of the consumption behavior of college-aged Generation Y individuals. The findings indicate that issues relating to socialization, uncertainty reduction, reactance, self discrepancy, and feelings of accomplishment and connectedness drive Y consumers' product purchases and retail patronage. This article discusses these issues as well as their theoretical and managerial implications.

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