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Motorsports Involvement among Adolescents and Young Adults with Childhood ADHD


Although children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at risk for impulsive, health-endangering behavior, few studies have examined nonsubstance, use-related risk-taking behaviors. This study examined whether adolescents and young adults with ADHD histories were more likely than those without ADHD histories to report frequent engagement in motorsports, a collection of risky driving-related activities associated with elevated rates of physical injury. Path analyses tested whether persistent impulsivity, comorbid conduct disorder or antisocial personality disorder (CD/ASP), and heavy alcohol use mediated this association. Analyses also explored whether frequent motorsporting was associated with unsafe and alcohol-influenced driving. Two hundred twenty-one adolescent and young adult males (16-25 years old) diagnosed with ADHD in childhood and 139 demographically similar males without ADHD histories reported their motorsports involvement. Persistent impulsivity, CD/ASP, heavy drinking, and hazardous driving were also measured in adolescence/young adulthood. Adolescents and young adults with ADHD histories were more likely to report frequent motorsports involvement than those without childhood ADHD. Impulsivity, CD/ASP, and heavy drinking...


Motorsports Medicine.


Motorsports is the fastest growing professional sport in the United States. Each year approximately 14 drivers die, and many others are paralyzed or seriously injured. Although there is a common misconception that motorsports medicine is analogous to standard emergency or sports medicine, due to the unique racing environment a traditional approach to emergency medical services can be ineffective and may expose drivers, spectators, and medical personnel to great danger. This article is a general review of the evolving subspecialty of motorsports medicine.

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