The communication strategy of TV channels is essentially based on schedule and channels’ “packaging”. It contains visual and sonorous components that are fundamental factors of media communication.
Previous marketing researches considered product packaging design and studied elements of design like color and form, etc. Taking into account TV channels as a product, this research aims to investigate the channel design impact on viewers’ emotions and brand personality. The advertising credit is one of the main elements of the TV channel design. It contains three stimuli: animation, color and music. Moderate effects of human personality and optimum stimulation level are examined.
Eight Ad credits were conceived for the experimentation using animation techniques, colors and music. The final sample,
comprising 512 respondents, was divided into eight groups exposed each to a single credit.
The data analysis method applied is ANOVA. The findings indicate that visual and sound stimuli affect channel design appreciation. Hot hue color evokes emotion response and influences the channel competence perception.