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Potential Negative Outcomes From Sponsorship For a Sport Property

Sponsorship funding has become a staple source of revenues for many sport events, but there are two types of potentially negative outcomes for properties that may be associated with it: operational risk and reputational risk. Operational risk occurs when sponsors insist on changing the rules or format of the event, or when they exercise undue influence on its content, timing, location or participants. The primary source of reputational risk is increased public sensitivity to the negative health impacts of some product categories, most prominently those of tobacco, alcohol, gambling and products that are high in fat, salt or sugar that may make it contentious for a sport property to partner with companies in these product classes. Similar controversy from public sensitivity may emerge around issues of corporate social responsibility, as expectations grow


Risk Management in Sports Sponsorship


Sports sponsorship, a new form of corporate marketing, has become a major source of funding for sports teams and events.

As an entrepreneurial activity, sports sponsorship entails a degree of risk for the company which, like all enterprise risks, must be managed and controlled using effective, efficient programmes that analyse and assess the potential impact on the company’s finances and reputation, thereby allowing the sponsor to take steps to avoid or mitigate such risks.


Identifying Two-Sided Markets

A two-sided market can create value by simplifying and accelerating transactions, as well as lower their cost for the parties it connects. As a two-sided network grows, successful platforms are able to scale. Users, seeing a larger potential marketplace, will then pay a higher price to access the platform. Two-sided marketplaces have an advantage over traditional one-sided markets (often found in service or manufacturing-oriented businesses), which at some point experience diminishing returns on market growth (customer acquisition).

A two-sided market is often defined by the relationship the intermediary has with the external groups or agents on its platform. This relationship is seen in pricing in particular. Those that oversee platforms must maintain equilibrium between both sides of the network, sometimes subsiding the more price-sensitive side a...

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